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Click on image to go to album on Bandcamp

Click here for CERFILIC on Spotify: 

The music is as melancholic as it is splendid:
‘there is grief there, but it’s also an affirmation of life in the face of it' ... 
Shoures Soote serves as a requiem for his brother.

Peter van Cooten - Ambienblog

Ambient sounds with the slow and sudden changes of weather systems and cloud formations. Jamie Michael McCarthy makes 'symphonic drone music' under the name CERFILIC. Expansive, meditative atmospheres mixing strings, occasional other instruments, animal and environmental sounds with sound processing . The music is often made on a big time-scale: the longest track on any of the albums is Stilled at over an hour-long
(divided into two parts) but live performances of Stilled (with the performance company
Fevered Sleep) have been up to twelve hours in duration.

There are five CERFILIC albums available on Bandcamp
(as well as four of them on Spotify, iTunes, Youtube etc.)

We're Losing Already

(The Deceptions of Positive Thinking)

Le Brâme du Cerf au Crépuscule

Seir (Journey Through Iran)

  • Spotify
  • Bandcamp
  • iTunes
  • YouTube
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