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The Colonisation of Social Space for Arts Promotion.

15th May 2016. I’ve always been a bit slow on the uptake. I nearly always just about begin to ‘get’ something when it’s on its way out....

Playing for a Dance Class as Folk Dance.

21st April 2016. I play for more dance classes now than I used to. I was very nervous to begin with, because I'd seen really experienced...

Making Things Into ‘A Thing’.

17th September 2015. I’ve been thinking lately about how I get kind of disappointed when things become ‘a thing’. For example, where I...

On 'Gay Marriage'.

22nd August 2015. One of the things that troubles me about 'gay marriage' (OK - it's just 'marriage' but you know what I mean), is that...

The Tyranny of 'Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone'.

19th August 2015. ‘She needs to get out of her comfort zone.’ ‘It was really good for me … it took me out of my comfort zone.’ ‘The magic...

Manufacturing Motivation.

17th August 2015. It seems like being ‘motivated’ is one of the cardinal virtues in the UK at the moment. Not to be motivated is usually...

Feedback and its Double.

15th August 2015. For a long while and until recently I worked in many different situations where part of my job was to give feedback on...

The Hierarchies of the Dance-(ing) Class(es).

9th August 2015. There’s an interesting thing about playing as a musician in dance classes: you often get paid about a half to two thirds...

The Artist As Servant of the Rich.

31st July / 6th August 2015. When I was little my mum used to work cleaning the houses of rich people on the other side of the main road....

Serving the Artistic ‘Visions’ of Others.

31st July 2015 I’ve been thinking lately about how the idea of serving someone else’s vision in the arts has a lot in common with some...

Collaboration and Its Double.

31st July 2015 Collaboration is a word that gets used a lot in the arts. Having over a long period of time been involved in many...

Sacrificing Others For An Artistic ‘Vision’.

31st July 2015. One of the sad things I've noticed in the arts in recent times is the way in which the general lack of money can lead us...

‘Interrogation’ in Arts Practice.

27th July 2015. For some reason the use of the word 'interrogation' in the context of artistic practice came to mind this morning. What a...

I’m Bored of ‘Excellence’.

18th July 2015. I'm really bored with the notion that we should promote and support artistic 'excellence'. First of all it begs the...

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